Witboost News

Witboost 1.0 is Live

Written by Witboost Team | May 11, 2023 7:28:20 AM

Our technology agnostic, modular platform that helps its users discover, elevate and productize their data has reached a great milestone by reaching version 1.0.0.

Our team of data engineers and platform engineers have worked relentlessly to make this happen and have released the most stable and full-featured version of Witboost yet.

Here are a few release notes:

  • Blueprints - these are collections of templates that help users create complex data products in a guided way.
  • Full release of the Computational Governance Platformthe platform to create, test, and evolve computational policies, including breaking changes policies.
  • Register more than one component from one template - by creating a template with duplicated phases for extraction, publish and registration.
  • Dependencies' vulnerabilities on the platform - codebase vulnerabilities have been reduced.

Check out the full release notes in our Witboost Documentation.